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Super Store Finder

Active 0 Reply 1.5K Views 2024/08/04 06:19 PHP SCRIPTS

Super Store Finder

Super Store Finder is a multi-language fully featured PHP/javascript/MySQL script integrated with Google Maps API v3 that allows customers to locate your stores easily. Packed with great features such as Geo Location, Drag and Drop Marker, Bulk Import and Geo code, Google Street View, Google Maps Direction and it is customizable and stylable (with extensible themes/add-ons, custom colors and maps design using snazzymaps.com). The store finder will be able to list nearby stores / outlets around your web visitors from nearest to the furthest distance away. Your customers will never be lost again getting to your stores / locations.

Demo: http://codecanyon.net/item/super-store-finder/3630922


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